Elida Reyna Y Avante with Lucky Joe


Corpus Christi, Texas, April 1, 2022 – The Buccaneer Commission is bringing back live music for 11 days of Buc Days 2022. The Buckin’ Marlin Stage presented by DOS EQUIS will host Latin Grammy Award Winner Elida Reyna and Tejano music award winner Lucky Joe on their opening night.

Buc Days has partnered with Telemundo Corpus Christi to bring you “Celebración Buc Days Cinco de Mayo presentada por Telemundo Corpus Christi”. Here are five reason to celebrate at Buc Days:

1) Dollar Night! $1 Gate Tickets

2) Dollar Night! Stripes Carnival Rides for just $1 per ride

3) Lucky Joe to perform on the Buc Days Buckin’ Marlin Stage at 7:00 pm Lucky Joe is a multi Tejano music award winner and a two time Latin Grammy nominee.

4) Latin Grammy Award Winner Elida Reyna Y Avante to perform on the Buc Days Buckin’ Marlin Stage at 9:00pm

5) Treasure Island presented by Cheniere opens for the first time in the American Bank Center Exhibit Hall. 76,000 square feet of entertainment and shopping. Petting Zoo, Pig Races, Pony Rides, Pirate Shows and more.

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